Blockchain-based IoT Platform and Sensors for Facility Health Monitoring

I&T Wish Blockchain-based IoT Platform and Sensors for Facility Health Monitoring
(REF: W-0399)
Matched I&T Solution
Trial Project
Summary and Challenges
  • IoT can help monitor the status of the equipment and signal and predict when maintenance should be taken to uplift the reliability and availability of the equipment. Different I&T solutions could offer different versatile results and enhance the overall management and upkeep of the equipment. Nevertheless, there is currently a lack of a cost-effective and open-sourced IoT platform, backed up with trustworthy big data and artificial intelligence for monitoring performance of E&M facilities.
  • The proposed idea is to build an open IoT platform with open source software will enable gaining the best benefits of I&T solutions for encouraging adoption of I&T solutions backed up by artificial intelligence from different solution providers. The platform can easily be expanded to include new I&T solutions from different (or switching between) vendors to facilities within the purview of the facility manager or an organization. To encourage full participation with confidence in and integrity of the data and information within the monitoring system, participants (users, service vendors, operator, workers, etc.) and the IoT instruments (sensors, meters, etc.) will all be registered and the transactions / exchanges of data secured by blockchain.
Expected Outcome
  1. Concept - To build a cost-effective and open-sourced IoT platform, backed up with trustworthy big data and artificial intelligence for monitoring performance of E&M facilities - Lifts to be taken as the subject of the E&M facilities for proving the concept
  2. IoT Platform - An IoT analytics platform that applies machine learning and AI to analyze and model the patterns of operational data. The AI allows the system to learn which signals are indicative of the states of a lift, including the door open/close status, abnormal door operation and abnormal speed / vibration, and generate reports on the states of the equipment. Faults can thus be identified pre-emptively to enable repair well before failure, eliminating the chance of incidents. - Open-sourced: Collects data from different registered sensors made by different suppliers - Blockchain: Pass the analyzed sensor data or results to the permissioned blockchain system (data or results are trustworthy and utilized with confidence for analysis)
  3. IoT Sensors - Non-instrusive, compact, low-cost IoT sensor installed at the lift car for detection of run/stop status, door open / close, abnormal speed / vibration / door operation, etc.
  4. Dashboard - Artificial intelligence: Enable efficient overview and easy understanding of reports generated by the IoT Platform
Expected Trial Duration 9-month
Contact Information
I&T Wish Proposer:Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD)
Contact Person:KWOK Tsz Fai
Position:Project Officer/Innovation/20
Tel:9637 0193
Upload Date 2022-02-18
Closing Date 2022-02-25