Smart Inspection of Railway Infrastructure Condition

I&T Wish Smart Inspection of Railway Infrastructure Condition
(REF: W-0408)
Matched I&T Solution
Trial Project
Summary and Challenges This project proposes a trial to use a combination of technologies and to monitor the conditions of railway infrastructure (e.g. railway tunnels), including concrete spalling, crack, water seepage, physical conditions of overhead line supporting / ancillaries, loosen objects, etc. The sensing & computing equipment are installed on the passenger train and scanning the designated infrastructure section (about 150m) during normal traffic hours.  AI analysis will be used to compare and evaluate the infrastructure conditions automatically.

Project Challenges:
  • Being able to build the 3D point cloud model of the designated infrastructure section and objects within the section and build AI algorithm for monitoring the conditions of infrastructure.
  • The sensing & computing equipment to be installed on a train running at a speed of 80km/h inside the tunnel to collect the infrastructure condition data.
  • Dark and dusty conditions in the tunnel.

Remarks: The solution provider should provide the I&T solution proposal to EMSD on or before the closing date.  It should be included the preliminary design proposal with the block diagram, workflow and budgetary ballpark cost estimate.  EMSD may invite the proposer to conduct a presentation for introducing the proposal.

Expected Outcome
  • The equipment to be installed on a train can predict and timely detect abnormalities of railway infrastructure (e.g. loosen / fallen objects, concrete spalling, crack, water seepage inside railway tunnels) and prompt remedial action to be taken, thus preventing railway incidents.
  • The success of the project depends on the AI algorithm's ability and the front-end sensing equipment detection capability.
Expected Trial Duration 12-month
Contact Information
I&T Wish Proposer:Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD)
Contact Person:Mr Kenneth NG
Position:Engineer/Railways 9/1
Tel:3757 6288
Upload Date 2022-04-14
Closing Date 2022-04-27