Big Data Management for Construction Cost

I&T Wish Big Data Management for Construction Cost
(REF: W-0410)
Matched I&T Solution
Trial Project
Summary and Challenges Cost information of construction projects exist in various forms and levels generated at different stages of projects. Cost is also affected by market factors such as economic conditions, aggregate demand, labour and materials prices, etc. The objective is to generate high-value business insights to corporate management automatically and periodically. As the largest developer of public housing in Hong Kong, the HA possesses mass volume of construction cost data and the data set is growing rapidly. There is a great potential for application of big data technologies to enhance business intelligence and our capabilities in research.
Expected Outcome Large collections of tender prices, economic and market data need to be integrated and analysed (e.g. project cost analysis, BQ rates, interim payments, final account data, etc.) at one-stop shop that facilitates the application in future estimates, cost trend prediction, cash flow forecast, assessment of tender prices, valuation of variations, etc. through Big Data Analytics
Expected Trial Duration 12-month
Contact Information
I&T Wish Proposer:Housing Department (HD)
Contact Person:Sam HO
Position:Structural Engineer / 66
Tel:2761 5384
Upload Date 2022-04-20
Closing Date 2022-05-04