Trespassing Detection System for Peak Tram

I&T Wish Trespassing Detection System for Peak Tram
(REF: W-0412)
Matched I&T Solution
Trial Project
Summary and Challenges
  • The Peak Tram is one of the world's oldest and most famous funicular railways, and there are outdoor peak tram track sections, like railway tracks under and alongside flyovers/footbridges, exposing to potential risks of trespass activities (trespassers, boars, objects dropped from a nearby vehicular bridge, broken tree branches, etc.) which could endanger Peak Tram operation safety.
  • This project is looking for smart detection solution from static camera video feeds for trespass activities infringing into outdoor track sections so that Peak Tram drivers on tram and duty officers in the control room can be alerted and take remedial actions promptly to stop peak trams from running into the affected areas and clear the potential hazards. Due to site constraints, AC supply and erection of mounting poles may not be available at the trial locations, and the solution provider may install the power cable from the nearest power source location and erect the mounting pole at the trial locations.
  • Remarks: The solution provider should provide the I&T solution proposal to EMSD on or before the closing date. It should be included the preliminary design idea with the block diagram, workflow and budgetary ballpark cost estimate. EMSD may invite the solution provider to conduct a presentation for introducing the proposal.
Expected Outcome
  • Deliver a solution including the selection of suitable smart detection technologies, system design, computer simulation test, installation, on-site test, system soft launch and fine-tuning. All necessary software, hardware, cabling and installation will be provided by the solution provider, and the whole system has to be stand-alone.
  • The server equipment of detection system will be installed in the control / equipment room. Three cameras with associated accessories will be installed at two selected locations.
  • The system shall be fine-tuned after the system soft launch to improve the detection accuracy.
  • A final report is required to conclude the appropriate technology, system design and configuration, effectiveness of the trial system, constraints, estimated implementation cost, etc. The project is expected to complete in 12 months.
Expected Trial Duration 12-month
Contact Information
I&T Wish Proposer:Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD)
Contact Person:Kenneth NG
Position:Engineer/Railways 9/1
Tel:3757 6288
Upload Date 2022-04-29
Closing Date 2022-06-24