Application of Sensors, Robotic System and UAV in Confined Working Space

I&T Wish Application of Sensors, Robotic System and UAV in Confined Working Space
(REF: W-0467)
Matched I&T Solution
Trial Project
Summary and Challenges
  • Carrying out work in confined spaces is inevitable for the government, such as the works at the grey water collection tanks and valve chambers at sea water pump house. To effectively reduce the risk of working in confined spaces, some monitoring measures shall be applied on the contractors who are entering the confined spaces, like the requirement of PPE and the strict adhesion to the laid down procedures. Besides, to lower the danger caused by the working environment in confined spaces is another key.
  • As such, regular air quality checking is required. Furthermore, a robotic system is highly recommended to be applied for replacing the work of human resources, like the work of cleansing, removal, lifting and so on. The chance of causing human error can be therefore reduced to a minimum.
Expected Outcome
  • To develop robotic system and UAV to reduce the potential dangers that exist in confined spaces.
  • To use sensors technology for air quality monitoring in confined spaces and the health index of workers.
  • To adopt robotic system / UAV with live cameras in confined spaces and perform routine maintenance tasks without workers from entering.
Expected Trial Duration 12-month
Contact Information
I&T Wish Proposer:Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD)
Contact Person:YIU Chu Hong, Ben
Position:Engineer/General Engineering Services/Hong Kong 2/2
Tel:3155 4459
Upload Date 2023-06-09
Closing Date 2023-07-07