AI-powered Aqua-bot for Early Detection and Rapid Response for Invasive Alien Species (IAS) in Wetland

I&T Wish AI-powered Aqua-bot for Early Detection and Rapid Response for Invasive Alien Species (IAS) in Wetland
(REF: W-0486)
Matched I&T Solution
Trial Project
Summary and Challenges
  • Invasive Alien Species (IAS), such as Golden Apple Snail, affect native species in various aspects. More species may suffer from the Invasion of alien species, which is one of the thorny issues of conservation in the world. If the problem is left untouched, alien species may severely alter a site’s ecology, economic, and even aesthetic and cultural value.
  • Potential challenges of the project:
    • The eggs of apple snail are not easy to be removed, different methods such as water jet, vibration, slapping may be considered and evaluated
    • Floating leaves / lotus stems / reeds may form obstacles to the robot's movement above or under water
    • Robot size may be a concern due to the narrow water channel at some spots
    • Other fundamental concerns such as flexibility in water, endurance of the battery, accuracy of tackling the targets, impact to the ecosystem, etc.
Expected Outcome
  • This project aims to achieve the following objectives:
    • To design and build a new customized floating robot (Aqua-bot) with remote control or make use of existing product in the market to do further customization (e.g. Customized based on existing product such as equipping water jet / robotic arms / equipping AI algorithm to identify the egg of Apple Snail into the boat)
    • The Aquabot is expected to equip with AI algorithm to successfully identify the eggs of apple snail and trigger the subsequent action for rapid response for IAS
    • Feasibility study for applying appropriate control measures (such as water jet, robotic arms, etc.) that can minimized IAS distribution and spread. If feasible, the aqua-bot can equip with a modular-based device to shot the eggs into the waters under different scenario.
Expected Trial Duration 9-month
Contact Information
I&T Wish Proposer:Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD)
Contact Person:Lo Wing Sing
Position:Project Officer/Innovation/18
Tel:3155 3958
Upload Date 2023-07-28
Closing Date 2023-08-11