Building Tidal Powered Radar Stations to Achieve Low-carbon Emission

I&T Wish Building Tidal Powered Radar Stations to Achieve Low-carbon Emission
(REF: W-0489)
Matched I&T Solution
Trial Project
Summary and Challenges
  • The Vessel Traffic Services System is a major and important system of the Marine Department to manage vessels entering the Hong Kong waters. There are two remote radar stations locating at Waglan Island and East Ping Chau where no mains electricity is available and diesel generators are the sole power source for the entire island. Regular fuel transportation by helicopters and refueling are required to upkeep the operation of the radar stations.
  • We propose to adopt renewable energy, such as tidal power, to ease the sole reliance on diesel generators as power source. These remote locations with strong tidal waters surrounding the island, piers at the site is proposed to install with tidal turbines for the purpose. To maximize the energy output, Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be integrated to control and optimize the tidal turbine operation based on real-time data on tidal flow from Hong Kong Observatory. We prefer tidal turbines for our solution as the traditional tidal barrage might not fit to our site situation and also there's no tidal turbine application in Hong Kong before.
Expected Outcome
  • We ultimately target to reduce or neutralize carbon emissions of the radar stations due to the transportation and burning of diesel fuel by the renewable energy system. AI can be used to analyze the energy consumption patterns of the radar and associated equipment. This could help the system to estimate the amount of energy that is being generated and used to power the system. From this, the AI could also estimate the reduction in carbon emissions that result from using renewable energy instead of diesel generator. Remote monitoring and reporting capabilities at Macau Ferry Terminal, via Marine Department Microwave and / or Government Wide IoT Network (GWIN). We also welcome proposals to adopt other renewable energy sources where feasible (i.e. solar, wind power, etc).
Expected Trial Duration 9-month
Contact Information
I&T Wish Proposer:Marine Department (MD)
Contact Person:Lai Yu Hin, Angus
Position:Assistant of Information Technology/ Engineering & Systems
Tel:2233 7841
Upload Date 2023-08-09
Closing Date 2023-09-08