AI-Enabled Automated Vessel Air-Draught Detection

I&T Wish AI-Enabled Automated Vessel Air-Draught Detection
(REF: W-0500)
Matched I&T Solution
Trial Project
Summary and Challenges
  • The development of this wish is to explore the opportunity of AI in enhancing the existing survey proven vessel air-draught measurement system by adding an AI-enabled automation alternative.
  • This wish aims to start a Proof-of-Concept project where an AI-enabled module would be able at detecting the highest point and waterline of the vessels in multiple images and/or videos. The main potential challenge faced in the current system was the inevitable inherent human error in the manual process of determining the highest point and waterline of the vessels, in particularly under various weather conditions resulting deviation in images used in the manual measurement process. The AI-enabled module would provide an alternative in verifying the current manual measurement, contributing to the safety of port of Hong Kong SAR.
Expected Outcome
  • Following deliverables are expected:
    • An AI-module which takes in coloured and grey-scaled images and videos for analysis should pin-point, in pixel position, the highest point and the waterline of the vessels from the provided set of images and videos.
    • A Graphical User Interface for configuring the AI-module to accept the original images and videos from a network shared drive, and to output height of the target vessel above waterline in metric scale (meter) based on the pixel positions of the highest point and waterline of the vessel marked on the same images and videos within 2 seconds.
Expected Trial Duration 6-month
Contact Information
I&T Wish Proposer:Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD)
Contact Person:TSUI Chi Him
Position:Assistant Information Technology Manager/Municipal/Project/1
Tel:3741 8809
Initiating Department Marine Department (MD)
Upload Date 2023-09-13
Closing Date 2023-09-27