Site Trial of E&M Data Standardization for AI Training

I&T Wish Site Trial of E&M Data Standardization for AI Training
(REF: W-0533)
Matched I&T Solution
Trial Project
Summary and Challenges Data Collection on E&M Systems is crucial for monitoring the system's performance. Besides, the collected data can be adopted to train various artificial intelligence (AI) models to further improve the system's performance. For example, higher system stability and lower power consumption.

The data in buildings is usually collected by building management system (BMS) / central control and management system (CCMS) and various sensing instruments. However, there is lack of a standard to standardize the methodology of data generation, data storage, and related naming convention. Hence, the collected data can not be integrated among different venues. Even there are some successful case by adopting AI on E&M systems, the solution cannot be easily adopted in others venues, which limits the development of intelligence of E&M systems.

This trial projects aim to carry out a site trial in new building construction project which to test effective methodology of data generation, data collection, data naming convention and built-up AI models for the reference of E&M Data Standardization in the future.

Expected Outcome

This trial is divided to two phases. The solution supplier has to select a commercial building construction project and line up its main contractor and its client to jointly agree the trial project on their new installed BMS/CCMS, E&M systems and data base management system (DBMS). In the phase I, the solution supplier shall propose an effective methodology of data generation, data collection and data naming convention, eg. And adopt the proposed methodology in the building construction project. Technical proposals and recommendation during the design phases are expected as the outcome in this phase 1 project.   

In the phase 2 after the completion of building construction project and starting for daily operation, the solution supplier is expected to evaluate the effectiveness of the adopted methodology, check the healthiness of captured E&M data at DBMS and evaluate the feasibility of AI model development on those data. Technical reports and 1-year E&M data for AI model development are expected as the outcome in this phase 2 project.

Expected Trial Duration 30-month
Contact Information
I&T Wish Proposer:Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD)
Contact Person:Mr. Sirius Chan
Position:Project Officer/Innovation/25
Tel:3911 0225

Contact Person:Mr. Zhang Kao
Position:Project Officer/Innovation/68
Upload Date 2024-05-10
Closing Date 2024-05-24