I&T Wish - The Application of Technology Aimed at Identifying the Risk of Fixed Elevated Objects Falling 2024-05-20
The Application of Technology Aimed at Identifying the Risk of Fixed Elevated Objects Falling
I&T Wish
The Application of Technology Aimed at Identifying the Risk of Fixed Elevated Objects Falling (REF: W-0534)
Matched I&T Solution
Trial Project
Summary and Challenges
The aim of this initiative is to identify the potential risk of fixed elevated objects from falling, with the purpose of mitigating the possibility of injury from such occurrences.
There exist numerous elevated objects situated within public areas, such as ceiling fans, which may potentially pose hazards to the general public.
In order to obviate the prospect of harm, this project endeavors to devise a system capable of detecting potential risks and triggering alerts to notify operators, thereby facilitating preemptive maintenance measures.
Expected Outcome
The intended outcome is to identify the potential risk of elevated objects falling, and effectively notify operators to take preventive action.
An informative dashboard could be provided, and alerts could be sent to operators via email / SMS.
The alerts are expected to have a high degree of accuracy, with the aim of eliminating false alarms.
Expected Trial Duration
Contact Information
I&T Wish Proposer
Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD)