The Application of Technology Aimed at Identifying the Risk of Fixed Elevated Objects Falling

I&T Wish The Application of Technology Aimed at Identifying the Risk of Fixed Elevated Objects Falling
(REF: W-0534)
Matched I&T Solution
Trial Project
Summary and Challenges
  • The aim of this initiative is to identify the potential risk of fixed elevated objects from falling, with the purpose of mitigating the possibility of injury from such occurrences.
  • There exist numerous elevated objects situated within public areas, such as ceiling fans, which may potentially pose hazards to the general public.
  • In order to obviate the prospect of harm, this project endeavors to devise a system capable of detecting potential risks and triggering alerts to notify operators, thereby facilitating preemptive maintenance measures.
Expected Outcome
  • The intended outcome is to identify the potential risk of elevated objects falling, and effectively notify operators to take preventive action.
  • An informative dashboard could be provided, and alerts could be sent to operators via email / SMS.
  • The alerts are expected to have a high degree of accuracy, with the aim of eliminating false alarms.
Expected Trial Duration 6-month
Contact Information
I&T Wish Proposer:Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD)
Contact Person:KAN CHUN
Position:Engineer/Municipal/New Territories 1
Tel:3155 4097
Upload Date 2024-05-22
Closing Date 2024-06-05