Development of Best Practice Guidelines for LoRa Ecosystem

I&T Wish Development of Best Practice Guidelines for LoRa Ecosystem
(REF: W-0555)
Matched I&T Solution
Trial Project
Summary and Challenges The Government Wide IoT Network (GWIN) is an IoT network platform designed by EMSD for government applications. It is primarily based on LoRa technology. Since its launch, the number of GWIN smart applications has been increased rapidly.

As the LoRa ecosystem utilizes unlicensed frequency band, when the number of IoT applications grows, it renders an increasing amount of deployed IoT based devices and brings out the complexity of application management. This complexity is compounded by the diverse technical requirements of applications. Meanwhile, the background radiation in the concerned unlicensed frequency band will cause interference and affect the performance of IoT applications, which in turn will impact the establishment of best practice. Currently, the lack of comprehensive guidelines that dictate best practices for IoT applications, especially in a congested wireless network environment, making it challenging for users to adopt the best practices of IoT solutions in terms of functionality and reliability.

The project aims to develop comprehensive best practice guidelines for optimizing various IoT applications in a congested LoRa wireless network environment.  The project shall investigate EMSD HQs as an example for implementing such best practice and generalize the solutions for developing the comprehensive guidelines.

Expected Outcome It shall be a comprehensive practice guide, which will address the followings:
  1. To evaluate the background radiation:
    Explore the background radiation of existing IoT applications at EMSD HQs. It shall be quantified via IEEE 2668 compliant evaluation matrix.
  2. To implement benchmarking tests of LoRa ecosystem:
    Conduct tests and evaluations on LoRa ecosystem in EMSD HQs and investigate the shortcomings if any.  The evaluation shall be based on IEEE 2668 standard.
  3. To recommend solutions for enhancement and optimization:
    To provide recommendations for enhancement of the LoRa ecosystem at EMSD HQs based on findings in (2).  The recommendation shall also emphasize on the optimization of the existing IoT solutions/applications.
  4. To design best practice guidelines:
    Offer strategic suggestions for optimizing existing and future IoT solutions/applications, aligned with the best practices, limitations, and potential violations of IoT guidelines in various scenarios.
Expected Trial Duration 12-month
Contact Information
I&T Wish Proposer:Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD)
Contact Person:Mr SIN Chun Ho, Leon
Position:Electronics Engineer/ Government-Wide Internet-of-Things Network/1
Tel:3757 6264
Upload Date 2024-11-28
Closing Date 2024-12-13