Robust, self-cleaning, efficient, and large-area passive radiative coatings for energy-saving buildings

I&T Solution Robust, self-cleaning, efficient, and large-area passive radiative coatings for energy-saving buildings
(REF: S-0952)
Trial Project
Solution Feature
  • Efficient radiative coating for space cooling with zero energy consumption
  • High mechanical strength, high thermal stability, self-cleaning, large-area coating
  • Using model houses with mini air conditioners for comparative study of energy saving performance
  • Numerical modeling to evaluate the energy saving of the coating over a year in Hong Kong
Trial Application and Expected Outcome
  • Optimize of the coatings for large-scale application and characterize its lab-scale performance
  • Apply the coating to model houses or trial sites and conduct comparative field tests, recording the cooling performance
  • Conduct the long-term stability test and record the cooling temperature under different weather conditions
  • Conduct the mechanical strength and hydrophobicity measurement regularly during the long-term stability test
  • Construct numerical model to evaluate the energy-saving performance for long-term usage
Additional Solution Information InnoPortal_proposal.docx
Info on I&T Solution Provider
Solution Provider:Baoling Huang, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Address:2577B, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Contact Person:Baoling Huang
Position:Associate Professor

For details of the above I&T solution, please contact the I&T solution provider.