EMSD's I&T Strategic Partners

EMSD signed memoranda of co-operation (MOC) with five local universities and seven research institutions in June 2019 to establish strategic partnerships to support the application of I&T in government departments, with a view to improving their services and enhance efficiency. The strategic partners will be invited to upload I&T solutions onto the E&M InnoPortal, co-organise I&T seminars to introduce their I&T solutions to government departments, and showcase the E&M I&T projects in the dedicated exhibition zone, the E&M InnoZone, in the EMSD Headquarters. These twelve strategic partners, being an ensemble of a significant share of local start-ups and top-notch solution experts from the research and academic institutions, represent a solid support to the EMSD’s work on I&T.In addition, EMSD also signed memorandums of co-operation with the Hong Kong Baptist University, the Hong Kong Metropolitan University and the Vocational Training Council to establish strategic partnerships in July 2022.

Automotive Platforms and Application Systems R&D Centre City University of Hong Kong Hong Kong Baptist University Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited Hong Kong Metropolitan University Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre The Chinese University of Hong Kong The Hong Kong Polytechnic University The Hong Kong Productivity Council The Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology The Nano and Advanced Materials Institute Limited The University of Hong Kong  Vocational Training Council

* By alphabetical order

Contact Information of I&T Strategic Partners

Organisation Contact Person Title Email
Automotive Platforms and Application Systems R&D Centre Mr. Rick Mo Senior Manager rickmo@hkpc.org
City University of Hong Kong Prof. Chunyi ZHI Chair Professor cy.zhi@cityu.edu.hk
Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute Company Limited Mr. Jackie Liu Director (Smart City) jackieliu@astri.org
Hong Kong Baptist University Prof. Samson Tai  Adjunct Professor (Big Data Analytics), Department of Finance and Decision Sciences samsontai@hkbu.edu.hk
Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited Ms. Samantha Lee Senior Manager - Ecosystem Programme
Ecosystem Development
Hong Kong Metropolitan University Ir Dr. Tony Lee Acting Head, Department of Construction and Quality Management cclee@hkmu.edu.hk
Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre Mr. Stephen Wai /
Mr. David Leung
Assistant Director /
Assistant Director
swai@lscm.hk /
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Ms. Yuen Ariel Knowledge Transfer Events Officer arielyuen@cuhk.edu.hk
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Ms. Kit Chan Development Manager kit.chan@polyu.edu.hk
The Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation Mr. Henry Fong Assistant Director, Partnerships henry.fong@hkstp.org
The Nano and Advanced Materials Institute Limited Ms. Jenny Yiu Director of Operations jennyyiu@nami.org.hk
The University of Hong Kong  Dr. Chan Kwok Leung Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering pklc@hku.hk
Vocational Training Council Ms. Mavis LAM /
Mr. Michael IP
Senior Project Officer, Engineering Discipline / 
Project Officer, Engineering Discipline
mavisl@vtc.edu.hk / 

I&T Event List

Date Event Organiser
9 - 10 July 2024 E&M I&T Day 2024 Electrical and Mechanical Services Department
13 - 16 April 2024 Smart Hong Kong Pavilion at the InnoEX 2024 The Office of the Government Chief Information Officer
2, 16 & 30 November 2023 SME LevelUp Workshops Hong Kong Productivity Council
28 October - 5 November 2023 InnoCarnival 2023 Organiser : Innovation and Technology Commission
Campaign Partner : Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation
11 October 2023 LSCM Logistics Summit 2023 -"The Role of Smart Logistics in Facilitating the Greater Bay Area Development" Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre
21 September 2023 CUHK Innovation Day 2023 The Chinese University of Hong Kong
31 July - 1 August 2023 E&M I&T Day 2023 Electrical and Mechanical Services Department
29 November 2022 "SME ReachOut - Get FUND with Ease Series" Form-filling Workshop - Enterprise Support Scheme Hong Kong Productivity Council
10 November 2022 InnoPreneur GBA MeetUp Hong Kong Productivity Council
4 - 6 November 2022 Inno@E&M Open Day 2022 Electrical and Mechanical Services Department
3 November 2022 Green I&T Day 2022 Electrical and Mechanical Services Department
28 October 2022 CUHK Innovation Day 2022 The Chinese University of Hong Kong
13 - 16 October 2022 International ICT Expo - Smart Government Pavilion The Office of the Government Chief Information Officer
23 Septemper 2022 Global AI Challenge for Building E&M Facilities - Award Ceremony Electrical and Mechanical Services Department
22 Septemper 2022 "Get FUND with ease" Series: TVP Form-filling Workshop - Succeed in Digital Transformation! Hong Kong Productivity Council
11 August 2022 "Get FUND with ease" Series : BUD Form-filling Workshop with Application Tactics Hong Kong Productivity Council
19 - 20 July 2022 E&M I&T Day 2022 cum Signing Ceremony of Memorandum of Co-operation Electrical and Mechanical Services Department
28 June 2022 vMega Outreach Day 2022 - Webinar on Government Funding Schemes Hong Kong Productivity Council
28 April 2022 SME ReachOut Webinar Series: How can SMEs Achieve Digital Transformation with Government Funding Scheme Hong Kong Productivity Council
7 - 8 December 2021 E&M I&T Day 2021 Electrical and Mechanical Services Department
12 - 14 May 2021 SME ReachOut 2021 Hong Kong Productivity Council
16, 23 & 30 April 2021 EMSTF 25th Anniversary - Technology Seminar : The Smart City of Hong Kong The Electrical and Mechanical Services Trading Fund
18 December 2020 to
30 June 2021
City I&T Grand Challenge - Now open for application Organiser : Innovation and Technology Commission
Co-Organiser : Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation
18 December 2020 City I&T Grand Challenge Virtual Launch Organiser : Innovation and Technology Commission
Co-Organiser : Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation
13 October 2020 HKPC Sourcing Fair 2020 Hong Kong Productivity Council
29 Septemper 2020 AI & Robotics Industrial Transformation - Leveraging Hong Kong's unique advantages to build a robotics journey in Asia Invest HK
24 -26 August 2020 SME ReachOut: Fund Fair Everywhere 2020 Hong Kong Productivity Council
16 July 2020 Global Matching 2020 Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation
29 May 2020 Smart Water Technologies – Leakage Diagnosis and Strategic Management (Webinar) The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
15 January 2020 Sensor Hub Workshop Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation
20 September 2019 LSCM Logistics Summit 2019 Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre
16 & 17 September 2019 HKPC SME One Fund Fair 2019 Hong Kong Productivity Council