Robots for Receiving, disinfecting and Dispatching Mails and Documents.

I&T Solution Robots for Receiving, disinfecting and Dispatching Mails and Documents.
(REF: S-0993)
Trial Project
Solution Feature
  • The project includes two autonomous mobile robot for mailbox disinfection and document dispatching, one incoming mails disinfection cabinet and dumbwaiter disinfection device.
  • The user can schedule the robot to perform regular disinfection process and dispatching mail between the dumbwaiter and the mailbox as well as other pre-defined departments.
  • The robot will adopt UVC LED for disinfection process. A disinfection unit will align and cover the mail box during the disinfection process to minimize the exposure of the UVC to surrounding environment.
  • The disinfection cabinet will make use of Ozone and UVC for mail disinfection.
  • The disinfection unit in the dumbwaiter is UVC lamp.
Trial Application and Expected Outcome
  • An AMR with disinfection unit will be built and tested in the document room for routine mail box disinfection and mail disptaching
  • The AMR will be equipped with SLAM for indoor mapping and positioning as well as navigation capability. The AMR is able to perform obstacle avoidance functions.
  • A disinfection cabinet will be built which consists of a UVC and Ozone module for disinfection.
  • The UVC disinfection unit will be installed in the dump waiter for the disinfection purpose.
  • The disinfection robot, disinfection chamber and dumbwaiter by third-party certification organization.
Additional Solution Information NWCADCAM Proposal for W-0357.pdf
Info on I&T Solution Provider
Solution Provider:New World CAD/CAM Development Ltd.
Address:Unit 238, 12W Hong Kong Science Park Pak Shek Kok, N.T., Hong Kong
Contact Person:Chang Ka Kit
Position:Engineering Director

For details of the above I&T solution, please contact the I&T solution provider.