IoT Sensors for Solar Energy System

I&T Solution IoT Sensors for Solar Energy System
(REF: S-1222)
Trial Project
Solution Feature
  • A thermo-electric pyranometer with a glass domes used to measure horizontal global irradiance. The solution meets the standards of the World Meteorological Organisation.
  • The proposed sensor offers the following measuring data: air temperature, relative humidity, barometrical air pressure, precipitation, brightness.
  • Measurement of DC/AC characteristics of PV panel.
  • Wireless connectivity: LoRaWAN AS923 compatible with OTAA protocol.
  • Designed for outdoor applications.
Trial Application and Expected Outcome
  • A set of sensor node to collect operational data of existing PV installations at the designated premise.
  • The sensors will be able to collect the following parameters - ambient temperature, humidity, solar irradiance, atmospheric pressure, wind speed, wind direction, PV panel surface temperature.
  • The sensors will be able to collect the following parameters - DC output voltage, current, power; Inverter DC input & AC output voltage, current, power.
  • The sensor should be powered by an exchangeable battery.
  • The sensor will be able to send data to the EMSD GWIN LoRaWAN network with specific data format and time stamp.
Additional Solution Information Proposed solution_IOE.pdf
Info on I&T Solution Provider
Solution Provider:IOE Technologies Limited
Address:Unit 538B, 5/F, Building 1W, Hong Kong Science Park, NT, Hong Kong
Contact Person:Jonathan Lee
Position:Executive Director

For details of the above I&T solution, please contact the I&T solution provider.