Cross Brand AMRs Management Tool

I&T Solution Cross Brand AMRs Management Tool
(REF: S-1327)
Trial Project
Solution Feature
  • Real-time manage AMRs from various brands in a single platform simultaneously.
  • Import and share the 2D/3D point cloud maps among the AMRs of the site.
  • Simultaneously assign and schedule navigation or special tasks to each single robot within the site.
  • With the autos-switching feature, AMRs can navigate from one map to another conjunctive map via the platform
  • The platform supports plug-in development and provide RESTful API for third party application to use.
Trial Application and Expected Outcome
  • Create a new profile for the AMR (The robot shall be compactible with the platform).
  • Using the navigation unit of the robot to record the site map in point cloud or other format, The platform can import and process the map.
  • User can define special zones and destination for path planning of robot, and assign tasks to robots.
  • User can monitor the real-time condition of the robots.
  • User can obtain the images captured by the camera of the robot.
Additional Solution Information Brochure_Rfleet.pdf
Info on I&T Solution Provider
Solution Provider:IG-Inno Limited
Address:Unit 1061, 10/F, Building 19W, Hong Kong Science Park, Pak Shek Kok, N.T.
Contact Person:Jonny Choi
Position:Project Director
Tel:3704 7787

For details of the above I&T solution, please contact the I&T solution provider.