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No Deep-Learning Proprietary AI Recognition & Automatic Reading Capabilities

I&T Solution No Deep-Learning Proprietary AI Recognition & Automatic Reading Capabilities
(REF: S-1671)
Trial Project
Solution Feature
  • Our AI can read gauges/meters automatically with minimal data annotation. Use our own on-premise AI, not third-party cloud sources. Only 1-3 images per meter type, can improve our AI to read different meters. e.g. Rotary, Jumping and Multi-page Digital meters. Refer attached proposal/videos. New meters can easily be added
  • We can develop a mobile app for inspectors to take meter images for our Analytics engine to read automatically. The app verifies image quality and requires clean meters for accuracy. The app is user-friendly and easy to use.
  • We can develop a mobile app for inspectors to take meter images for our AI system to read automatically. The app guides the inspectors to get the best camera angle and view. Our AI aims to outperform human and reduce errors. Accuracy depends on meter types/images.
  • We can assign unique numbers to meters by adding bar code stickers. Our Analytics can read the meter number and other readings. We need to define the font type, size and placement for consistency
  • The system has a backend edge computer/server that runs analytics, communicates with mobile app, stores readings and generates reports. The mobile app is light and fast. The notification system can use 5G, last-reading, configuration tool or predictive analysis to alert users for out-of-range readings.
Trial Application and Expected Outcome
  • Trial is not required any datasets for deep learning or expensive equipment. Refer attached proposal, our unique Hybrid AI approach that solves complex problems. Typical trial with our existing AI modules takes one week.
  • We need to know the meter types and see one picture of each. We will trial 10 Rotary Meters with our AI. We will show our AI can read new Rotary Meters. We need to prepare above in one week.
  • Our Analytics system can be setup to run on a notebook or edge computer & it can easily ingest and analyze the given images
  • This trial will be shown by one of our researchers stepping through our own internal test module to show you the result.
  • There would not be any proper Mobile App or Browser to show but it should be easy to understand the matching results.
Additional Solution Information WildFaces HA Meter Reading 20241019.pdf
Info on I&T Solution Provider
Solution Provider:WildFaces Technology Limited
Address:Unit 22, Level 6, Core C, Cyberport 3, 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong
Contact Person:Eric Wong
Position:Senior AI Business Consultant
Tel:+852 8216 2219

For details of the above I&T solution, please contact the I&T solution provider.