Advanced Technology in Detection of Leakage in Embedded Drainage Pipe

I&T Wish Advanced Technology in Detection of Leakage in Embedded Drainage Pipe
(REF: W-0188)
Matched I&T Solution
Trial Project
Summary and Challenges This project aims to assist FEHD in identifying leakage in embedded drainage pipe when handling complaints of seepage nuisance and environmental hygiene problem other than using colour water test.
Expected Outcome Development of advanced technology in detection of leakage in embedded drainage pipe to ascertain the seepage source.
Expected Trial Duration 6 months
Contact Information
I&T Wish Proposer:Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD)
Contact Person:Ms WU Lai-fan
Position:Senior Health Inspector(Hygiene)
Tel:2867 5734

Contact Person:Mr LI Yin Lok
Position:Engineer/Municipal/New Territories 8
Project Deliverables Provision of Avanced Technology in Detection of Leakage in Embedded Drainage Pipe
Upload Date 2019-06-24
Closing Date 2019-09-01