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Enhancement on the Digital Map of Notifiable Gas Installations (NGIs) and Potentially Hazardous Installations (PHIs)

I&T Wish Enhancement on the Digital Map of Notifiable Gas Installations (NGIs) and Potentially Hazardous Installations (PHIs)
(REF: W-0008)
Matched I&T Solution
Trial Project
Summary and Challenges

GasSO, being the Gas Authority and the gas risk adviser to the Government, is responsible to provide professional advices on gas risk perspective to facilitate other government departments in the planning process for land use and developments in the vicinity of NGIs and PHIs. If the concerned sites fall within the Consultation Zones (CZ) of NGIs and PHIs, quantitative risk assessment (QRA) might be required subject to our preliminary assessment results on the site conditions (e.g. any increase in the number of persons living or working in the CZ).  As these CZ vary among different NGIs/PHIs and are not shown on our existing map, engineers have to locate the proposed development (submitted by the project proponent) on the map and check the CZ of those neighboring NGIs and PHIs manually which is rather time consuming, not to mention further time needed to draw up our comments/advice.

The existing NGIs and PHIs map could be revamped by incorporating useful features and information so as to streamline the aforementioned tasks.

The objectives of the project are:

  1. To delineate the Consultation Zones (CZ) of all NGIs and PHIs on the existing map
  2. To develop a simple interface enabling users to check against the CZ of all NGIs and PHIs easily (e.g. by entering the address or coordinates of the concerned site)
  3. To support the auto checking of CZ by reading addresses / scanned maps (i.e.  OCR- enabled) and translating them into coordinates for mapping.
  4. To retrieve the latest population figures for each area / district (from Census and Statistics Department) directly from the map
  5. To display the reference information of NGIs on the map such as the past LPG quality sampling records (for filling stations and terminals) and the last inspection date (for specified NGI facilities)
Expected Outcome To design and add useful features on the existing digital map of NGIs and PHIs, which could improve the efficiency of our advisory work on land use development and facilitate our monitoring of the NGIs and PHIs
Expected Trial Duration 3 months
Contact Information
I&T Wish Proposer:Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD)
Contact Person:Mr WONG Chun Yin, Anson
Position:Engineer/Gas Standards B 2/2
Project Deliverables
  1. Users can easily identify whether the site of proposed development falls within the CZ of NGIs and PHIs
  2. Warning notice would be provided if the proposed development falls within the CZ of NGIs and PHIs
  3. Useful information in relation to NGIs can be obtained directly from the map
  4. The proposed add-on features can support further updating
Upload Date 2018-03-01
Closing Date 2018-03-15