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BACnet Blockchain Router and JSON Aggregator

I&T Wish BACnet Blockchain Router and JSON Aggregator
(REF: W-0215)
Matched I&T Solution
Trial Project
Summary and Challenges Annex J BACnet/IP devices (Annex J to ANSI/ASHRAE 135-1995) are designed to provide the way for BACnet systems to grow beyond building-wide or campus-wide internetworks. Annex J delineates the BACnet Router and the BACnet/IP Broadcast Management Device (BBMD) with Network Address Translation (NAT) to address the issues.

Challenges :
  1. BBMD devices is limited and none of them explicitly supports NAT which impedes the development of iBMS '
  2. BACnet BBMD are not robust enough to deal with abnormal traffic, since protocol implementations are vulnerable to malformed packets and various forms of attacks.
  3. No proper flow control in BACnet/IP to prevent data loss when traffic exceeds data transmission capacity.
  4. No Security and Authenticity in the current data collection process. It does not encrypt the transmitted data and authenticate the sources.
  5. BACnet Addendum 135-2012am add a JSON syntax for the common model and the introduction of RESTful Services for Complex Data Types and Subscriptions also throw light on implementation of data aggregation in BACnet router / BBMD.
Expected Outcome
  1. Two prototypes for BACnet Blockchain Router and JSON Aggregator
  2. Draft amendments to BACnet Standard 135 Annex J BACnet/IP devices
  3. Provide cooresponding technical documents and apply patent (if any)
Expected Trial Duration 12 months
Contact Information
I&T Wish Proposer:Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD)
Contact Person:Mr SO Pok Man
Position:Engineer/General Engineering Services/Hong Kong 1/1
Upload Date 2019-09-24
Closing Date 2019-10-08