Development of Escalator Web-based Predictive Fault Alarm System using Optical Fiber Sensing & Artificial Intelligence Technology

I&T Wish Development of Escalator Web-based Predictive Fault Alarm System using Optical Fiber Sensing & Artificial Intelligence Technology
(REF: W-0229)
Matched I&T Solution
Trial Project
Summary and Challenges This project explores the application of optical fiber sensing and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to develop a predictive fault alarm system for escalators. About 8 escalators of 4 different sites will be strategically identified for conducting the pilot test. Optical fiber sensors will be installed at various safety critical components of the escalators to continuously monitor their operational conditions. Signal processing tools based on artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques will be formulated for processing the readings collected by the sensors so as to extract the essential information that reflects the diagnostic as well as prognostic information of the escalators. All the information will be accessible and visualized through web application platform.
Expected Outcome The ultimate goal of this project is to develop a smart predictive monitoring system for escalator safety and reliability enhancement by the use of innovative technologies.
Expected Trial Duration 2 years
Contact Information
I&T Wish Proposer:Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD)
Contact Person:Mr TSANG Tsz Fung
Position:Engineer/General Legislation 3/4
Upload Date 2020-01-09
Closing Date 2020-01-16