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Project Matching

Smart Mattress Devices

I&T Wish Smart Mattress Devices
(REF: W-0289)
Matched I&T Solution
Trial Project Smart mattress system
Summary and Challenges This project aims to develop underneath-mattress contact-free devices to monitor users’ physical conditions and provide out-of-bed detection.
Expected Outcome Operator can obtain end users’ real-time physical condition data (heart rate, respiratory rate, etc.) and out-of-bed record by adopting the smart mattress devices. When the system detects any abnormalities of users' heart rate and respiratory rate, alerts will be sent to duty operator for follow up actions. The solution provider shall develop centralized management platform for managing all smart mattress devices, data visualization, alerting in case of abnormal situation, and assisting operators’ daily operation.
Expected Trial Duration 6 Months
Contact Information
I&T Wish Proposer:Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD)
Contact Person:Mr. TSEUNG Chung Long
Position:Electronics Engineer/Electronic Technology Development/3
Upload Date 2020-07-17
Closing Date 2020-07-31