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Project Matching

Advanced Solar Photovoltaic System

I&T Wish Advanced Solar Photovoltaic System
(REF: W-0301)
Matched I&T Solution
Trial Project
Summary and Challenges This project aims to adopt advanced photovoltaic technologies at existing sewage pumping stations and sewage treatment works, to maximize the electricity generated from the PV system for electrical and mechanical equipment.
Expected Outcome The objectives of this project is to adopt advanced photovoltaic technologies, which:
  1. improve the overall efficiencies of photovoltaic system;
  2. minimize the maintenance in amidst corrosive environment;
  3. integrate with existing structures of sewage treatment facilities, including curved sedimentation tank cover; and
  4. perform remote performance monitoring for generation forecast, optimization and fault detection.
Expected Trial Duration 12 Month
Contact Information
I&T Wish Proposer:Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD)
Contact Person:CHOI Wai Kit
Position:Electrical and Mechanical Engineer/Research and Development 2/4
Tel:2594 7326

Contact Person:Mr CHAN Chun Kit
Position:Electronics Inspector/Security/Drainage Services 2
Initiating Department Drainage Services Department (DSD)
Upload Date 2020-08-18
Closing Date 2020-09-01