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Project Matching

Study of Walkable Solar Panel Application

I&T Wish Study of Walkable Solar Panel Application
(REF: W-0377)
Matched I&T Solution
Trial Project Application of Walkable Photovoltaic Panel
Summary and Challenges This project aims to study the performance and durability of solar panels installed on the floor.
Expected Outcome
  1. Design and build a solar system with solar panels installed on the floor in a busy location. The solar panels are expected to withstand collisions imposed by pedestrians. The collected solar energy should be properly consumed, and IoT applications should be prioritized.
  2. The solar system’s performance must be recorded for further evaluation.
  3. Analyze the experimental data. Assess the feasibility of walkable application of solar panels in Hong Kong.
  4. Provide PV panel which fulfill the following requirement:
    1. Power : Not less than 190 W per sq. meter (STC)
    2. Efficiency : Not less than 19% (STC)
    3. Application Class : Class A
    4. Ingress protection: At least IP68
    5. Max loading allowable: 2200 Pa
    6. Monocrystalline solar cell with anti-slipping and anti-reflection function
Expected Trial Duration 12-month
Contact Information
I&T Wish Proposer:Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD)
Contact Person:Mr. CHEUNG Ka-ho
Position:Project Officer/Innovation/42
Tel:9637 0679
Upload Date 2021-07-30
Closing Date 2021-08-13