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Project Matching

Use of IoT Based Ovitrap for Regular Monitoring of Dengue Fever

I&T Wish Use of IoT Based Ovitrap for Regular Monitoring of Dengue Fever
(REF: W-0398)
Matched I&T Solution
Trial Project
Summary and Challenges
  1. Dengue fever is an acute mosquito-borne infection caused by the dengue viruses potentially leading to fatal complication
  2. Currently, Oviposition Traps (ovitraps) are setup in selected areas throughout the territory for monitoring the presence of Aedine mosquitoes for dengue vector surveillance
  3. The ovitrap will be collected on a weekly basis for manual examination of the density of Aedine mosquitoes to compile the monthly Ovitrap Index
  4. Issue :
    1. Labour intensive, tedious and heavy burden on ovitrap collection
    2. Close supervision of ovitrap contractor
    3. Time gap for compilation of Ovitrap Index before appropriate anti-mosquito operations to be taken
Expected Outcome
  1. Develop an IoT based ovitrap for regular monitoring of dengue fever
  2. Measure the density of Aedine mosquitoes by using laser sensing or other technologies
  3. Powered by battery and solar cell
  4. Automate the reporting of the measured density regularly (remotely configurable e.g. daily) to the backend data server over Government Wide IoT Network (GWIN)
  5. Compile the Ovitrap Index and publish it automatically to the website of the concerned department and the Government open platform DATA.GOV.HK for enquiry by the public
  6. Formulate a dashboard to show the Ovitrap Index
  7. Notify concerned personnel/contractor to inspect / maintain the IoT based ovitrap / take appropriate anti-mosquito operations
Expected Trial Duration 9-month
Contact Information
I&T Wish Proposer:Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD)
Contact Person:SOO Kwok Kai
Position:Project Officer/Innovation/14
Tel:3741 8857
Upload Date 2022-02-18
Closing Date 2022-03-04