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Project Matching

Mitigating Light Nuisance of External Lighting Installations

I&T Wish Mitigating Light Nuisance of External Lighting Installations
(REF: W-0436)
Matched I&T Solution
Trial Project
Summary and Challenges External lighting installations exist in many different forms. Some common examples are internally or externally illuminated signs, facades and feature lighting, external video structures (e.g. video walls, display panels), etc. External lighting installations may cause nuisance to residents nearby, usually as a result of strong or non-static light, long operating hours and proximity to light sensitive receivers, etc.
Expected Outcome Solution to mitigate light nuisance caused by external lighting installations. Site installation and measurements are required to verify the mitigating effects.
Expected Trial Duration 12-month
Contact Information
I&T Wish Proposer:Environment and Ecology Bureau
Contact Person:Edith YUEN
Position:Administrative Manager (Energy)
Tel:3509 7655
Upload Date 2022-10-28
Closing Date 2023-03-31