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Project Matching

Development of Smart EV Charger

Trial Project Development of Smart EV Charger
(REF: P-0148)
Matched I&T Wish Smart EV Charger
(REF: W-0228)
Matched I&T Solution EV-Linear Smart Charger
(REF: S-0270)
Solution Feature
  • Our Smart EV Charging management solution connects OCPP 1.6 / OCPP 2.0 complaint AC/DC chargers through diversified network configurations. Using real time monitoring and powerful charging algorithm to balance among chargers, optimizing charging efficiency and reduce power installation cost.
  • It dynamically monitor, compute and distribute power among chargers according to Charge-Time and Energy, charging priority, EV response time, using EV-Linear algorithm through: 1.Charger ON / OFF (13A) 2.Charger Current (AC and DC charger) Power Phase change (13A and AC Charger) with additional Hardware.
  • No limitation in number of chargers, can reduce maximum 70% of installation cost and increase 300% effectiveness without additional hardware. The system monitors loading on all power phases and dynamically adjust output current to EV, using PWM technique for AC chargers and reduce output current directly for DC chargers.
  • System management monitor networked EV chargers through internal Ethernet/MODBUS or through mobile network to backend/cloud system. Since the system support all types of EV chargers, this load balancing system support different types of chargers and different Charge Point Operators (CPO) in car park setup.
  • Function under network failure scenario through stringent operating framework, delivering charging current with margin and ensuring installed AC capacity never be exceeded. Our load balancing algorithm can take on-site electrical installations e.g. boilers, chillers, A/C AHU consumption status, through IoT sensors to further optimize charging efficiency and user experience.
Trial Information
Trial Site : EMSD Headquarters
Trial Scale : 1 set of EV charger
Trial Duration : May 2020 to Sep 2020
Info on I&T Solution Provider
Solution Provider:Bravolinear Tech Limited
Address:Unit 959, 19W SPX1, 19 Science Park West Avenue, Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin NT
Contact Person:Andrew Kung
Position:Chief Operating Officer
Tel:2838 1138