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Project Matching

Benchmarking Energy Performance Indicator System for Lifts

I&T Solution Benchmarking Energy Performance Indicator System for Lifts
(REF: S-0276)
Matched I&T Wish
Trial Project Consultancy Servies for Design and Development of Benchmarking Energy Indicator System for Lift Installations
Solution Feature
  • To justify the use of the most appropriate energy performance benchmarking parameter, <J/kg-m>, for a lift irrespective of type, brand and model by simulation.
  • To develop a prototype to measure the parameter with a long-termed goal to arrive at a threshold value for the Building Energy Code.
  • To develop added-on devices to facilitate the measurement, including energy, distance traveled and car load, without downgrading the safety standard of the lift.
  • To develop the wireless inteface between such devices and an in-machine-room computer.
  • To compile the software on the computer to display the parameter continuously and statistically and study the feasibility of additional functions such as brake monitoring.
Trial Application and Expected Outcome
  • A list of previous publications will be submitted to justify the use of the parameter.
  • The prototype is an additional system to a lift, which may be rolled out to different lifts to find out the threshold value of the parameter.
  • The interface with a networked energy meter, a tachometer to measure direction and distance of travel, and two methods, current measurement and load sensing, to measure the instantaneous car load, are to be tested and developed..
  • A Wi-Fi network is to be developed for the in-machine-room computer to communicate with all on-car devices.
  • A dashboard will be developed on the computer to display the <J/kg-m> value both instantaneously and statistically. The framework is attached.
Info on I&T Solution Provider
Solution Provider:Bomy Development Limited
Address:Room 1907, 19/F, Eastern Commercial Centre, 397, Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Contact Person:Ms Corina K. L. Chan
Position:Administrative Manager

For details of the above I&T solution, please contact the I&T solution provider.