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Project Matching

Fleet Monitoring System for Vessels

I&T Wish Fleet Monitoring System for Vessels
(REF: W-0006)
Matched I&T Solution Fleet Monitoring System for Vessels
(REF: S-0172)
Trial Project IoT Sensors, Gateway and Central Management System for Pilot Intelligent Vessel of Marine Department
Summary and Challenges

To design and construct a prototype fleet monitoring system with the following features:

  1. Ability to acquire in a real-time manner and temporarily store on-board such vessel data as vessel locations (from GPS receivers), fuel levels, bilge water alarms and travelled distances
  2. Ability to transmit the acquired data to a shore-based database server, via mobile network (as long as the vessel is within the coverage of a mobile network)
  3. A workstation with software, whereby the user can
    1. display and monitor vessel data in a real time manner,
    2. retrieve stored data from the database, as well as
    3. run application software specifically provided for evaluation of vessel usage and conditions
The system will (a) enable the party who manages a fleet of vessels to keep full records of vessel usage, (b) eliminate delays, as well as reduce the manpower needed, in collecting vessel data, (c) allow the use of application software specifically provided for analyzing vessel data.
Expected Outcome To design and construct a prototype fleet monitoring system for vessels.  Potential users of such a system are Government departments managing fleets of vessels, e.g. Marine Department.
Expected Trial Duration 18 months (including 6-months for feasibility study and system design, 3-months for implementing the hardware and software, 6-months for trial run with one or two Government vessels (subject to our arrangement with other Government departments), 3-months for evaluation and fine-tuning of the system)
Contact Information
I&T Wish Proposer:Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD)
Contact Person:Miss CHENG Man Yee
Project Deliverables

The deliverables will include (assuming the project commences in Month #1):

  1. Project definition statement and organization of project team (Month #1)
  2. Feasibility study report and system design proposal (Month #6)
  3. A prototype fleet management system (Month #9)
  4. Evaluation report for the prototype system (Month #17)
  5. Final report (Month #18), to be submitted after post-evaluation fine-tuning of the system
Upload Date 2018-03-01
Closing Date 2019-07-01