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Research, Design and Installation of a Real Time Lift Data Acquisition Device based on Non-Intrusive Sensors

I&T Wish Research, Design and Installation of a Real Time Lift Data Acquisition Device based on Non-Intrusive Sensors
(REF: W-0288)
Matched I&T Solution
Trial Project Non-intrusive Operational Signal Acquisition System for Elevator
Summary and Challenges
  • This project aims at designing a non-intrusive lift operation data for real time monitoring, and installing that device at a designated premise to monitoring lift's operation.
  • The device requires to use current sensors to measure the current data of the motor, brake, safety and door and use other non-intrusive sensors to measure the displacement and speed of the lift car.
  • The device requires to acquire data with a sampling frequency of at least twenty samples/second, and support the TCP/IP protocol or other means for data transmission to the cloud.
Expected Outcome The expected deliverable is an non-intrusive lift operation data for real time monitoring, including current sensors and other non-intrusive sensors, data processors and relevant software interfaces, etc., for lift monitoring.
Expected Trial Duration Three Months
Contact Information
I&T Wish Proposer:Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD)
Contact Person:Mr LI Xuran, Ivan
Position:Project Officer/Innovation/1
Upload Date 2020-07-16
Closing Date 2020-07-30