E&M InnoPortal
Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) launched the E&M InnoPortal which lists the service wishes of various government departments, public organisations and the E&M trades, and invites the I&T sector, including start-ups and universities to propose relevant I&T solutions for matching. For successfully matched I&T wishes and solutions, EMSD will carry out field trials in a bid to promote and drive the research & development and application of innovative technologies.
I&T Wishes 2+
I&T Solutions 1+
Trial Projects 0+
InnoCatalogue 0+
New I&T WishPassive Fault or Voltage Detection Device2025-03-19New I&T SolutionRailway Passengers Running Detection System2025-03-18New I&T SolutionReal-Time Ventilation Monitoring System2025-03-17New I&T SolutionReal-Time Air Quality Monitoring and Ventilation Control System for Public Transport Interchange (PTI)2025-03-17New I&T SolutionAI Air Ventilation Platform2025-03-17New I&T WishWater Piping Leakage Detection and Preventive System2025-03-17New I&T SolutionSmart Air Quality Monitoring and Ventilation Control system for PTI2025-03-17New I&T SolutionReal-Time Air Quality Monitoring and Ventilation Control System for Public Transport Interchange (PTI)2025-03-17New I&T SolutionAI Long-Range Video Analytics System for Water Sport Activities2025-03-13New I&T SolutionConvert Knowledge Graph for E&M equipment from designated data source using AI2025-03-13