Smart Predictive Maintenance solutions for Lift monitoring

I&T Solution Smart Predictive Maintenance solutions for Lift monitoring
(REF: S-0788)
Matched I&T Wish
Trial Project
Solution Feature
  • Smart Optical Sensing Network for critical components’ monitoring. NO Electrical Power required to measure a wide range of parameters with single platform system.
  • Early Detection of developing defects with Artificial Intelligence Signal Recognition.
  • Utilize Internet of Things (IoT) and Cloud Computing for Smart Predictive Maintenance.
  • Prediction and notification of potential failures, automatically informs maintenance scheduling and spare parts planning for improving maintenance efficiency and cost saving.
Trial Application and Expected Outcome
  • The project will begin by developing a low-cost hybrid system specifically designed for monitoring critical components of the lift.
  • AI and machine learning algorithms will be applied to study the data collected from different components to devise a predictive maintenance scheme for these components.
  • Fault Simulations shall be conducted as for Testing & Commissioning requirement. Correlation study for fault prognosis shall be performed based on maintenance record.
  • Web-based graphical user interface (GUI) showing the real time operation condition of the lifts and their associated components shall be provided.
Additional Solution Information Avaron - Leaflet-V2-28AUG2020.pdf
Info on I&T Solution Provider
Solution Provider:Avaron Technologies Limited
Address:Unit 965, 9/F, Building 19W, No. 19 Science Park West Avenue, Hong Kong Science Park, Pak Shek Kok, N.T., Hong Kong
Contact Person:Ms Joanne Wu
Position:Project Executive

For details of the above I&T solution, please contact the I&T solution provider.