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Project Matching

Audio Transcript Classification System

I&T Solution Audio Transcript Classification System
(REF: S-1134)
Trial Project
Solution Feature
  • A call recording is sent to speech-to-text (STT) software on the premise.
  • The call recording is transcribed to Chinese by STT software on the first pass. The same audio file is transcribed to English on the second pass.
  • The Chinese words and English words are combined to form one set of words.
  • The combined set of words is sent to a text classifier, such as a Naive Bayes text classifier, for classification into a complaint or an appreciation.
  • Assumption: a call recording can contain both Chinese words and English words at the same time. Data will be collected for training a text classifier. Chinese can be Cantonese and/or Mandarin.
Trial Application and Expected Outcome
  • Call recordings are collected and annotated as either ‘complaint’ or ‘appreciation’.
  • The STT software will be configured and installed on the premise. The speech-to-text software will be tested on Chinese and English by using sample call recordings.
  • A (Naive Bayes) text classifier will be trained from annotated audio files. The classifier will be evaluated using sample transcripts produced from selected call recordings. Transcripts produced will be saved into a database.
  • A portion of the call recordings will be sampled every week to be annotated into training data: the text classifier will be upgraded in real time continuously.
  • During the whole period of trial, a server will be provided to execute the entire pipeline of transcribing call recordings and classifying transcripts.
Info on I&T Solution Provider
Address:Rm 2, 7/F., Block B, Mai Hing Industrial Building, 16-18 Hing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Contact Person:Alex Mar

For details of the above I&T solution, please contact the I&T solution provider.