Coordinated Charging of Electric Vehicles in Smart Charging Station

I&T Solution Coordinated Charging of Electric Vehicles in Smart Charging Station
(REF: S-0269)
Trial Project
Solution Feature
  • The massive charging load of EVs are connected to power grid at the same time, which causes the voltage instability of power grid, or other issues. The issues are caused by disorderly charging of EVs. Therefore, a smart charging system should be developed to realize coordinated charging of EVs
  • The model of coordinated charging is developed to reduce charging energy at the high load of power grid and increase charging energy at the low load of power grid, which stabilize power grid voltage. The dynamic load of EVs is also modeled based on predicting charging needs of EVs
  • The operation strategy of coordinated charging is developed in smart charging station. The operation strategy includes the optimization algorithm that calculates the optimal charging time to users based on the load capacity of power grid and users’ needs
  • A simulation program is developed to verify the optimal model and optimization algorithms. The simulation results shall present the load profiles of power grid that verify the feasibility of optimal model and optimization algorithms of coordinated charging
  • A prototype of a smart EV charging system shall be designed and developed. The optimal model and optimization algorithms shall be programmed in the controller to control the operation of charging pile
Trial Application and Expected Outcome
  • Build a test platform that simulates the operating condition of EV charging station. The test platform supplies the operating condition in which the prototype of EV smart charging is tested for debugging
  • EMSD provides an operating EV charging station for field testing of prototype. The charging pile of EV charging station shall open communication interface to prototype for collecting the information of EV load
  • The load curve of power grid of charging station shall be provided and sent to prototype daily via communication network
  • Prototype reports load curve of charging station daily for comparison with load curve of disorderly charging
Additional Solution Information Proposed solution of smart charger stationdoc.doc
Info on I&T Solution Provider
Solution Provider:Power Electronics Research Centre ,Department of Electrical Engineering ,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Address:FJ001,Department of Electrical Engineering ,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Contact Person:Ann Xu , CHENG Ka-wai
Position:Research Fellow (Ann Xu),Professor(CHENG Ka-wai)

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